FREE BOOK Reveals: '101 Reasons to END The Chaos of Addiction'
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"The 101 Reasons book helped me truly understand just HOW alcohol was ruining my life. My eyes were opened by the simplicity, yet profound content in this book! This is not just a book, but a guide to FREEDOM! Plus the tools Rob provides were life changing." - Happy Customer Raving Fan
"Rob, thank you for what you are doing. What a powerful testimony of hope."
Freedom in Christ Ministries
Author of Victory Over The Darkness,
Bondage Breaker + 100 others
"Rob motivates and prepares you to deal with the peaks and valleys of life."
Author of "OffCenter"
Founder of Pro Athletes In Recovery
Former NFL Buccaneers Football Player
“Rob is a foremost authority on freedom from addiction. Read this book and pay attention!”
Author of The Joy Model
Founder of The Way
For a lot of people, maybe even you, holidays EQUAL a great reason to “tie one on” at the work party, family holiday party, or just having a “good time” with your neighbors.
• Maybe you have been that drunk guy or girl at the holiday work party that people talked about for years to come?
• Maybe you have been that family member everyone worries that this is the year that you get the DUI that lands you in prison?
• Maybe you have been that person who can never just have one drink and call it good?
• Maybe you are a “normie” that can actually have a drink here and there without the need for another?
Being unsure of your direct circumstances that led you to this book, if “Yep, that’s me!” is your common answer to the above questions, then you are in the right place.
On June 8, 2001, I found freedom from substance abuse after an attempted suicide. With over 2 decades of recovery experience, since that day, I have seen and heard probably every scenario of addiction and mental health issues. This insight gives me a deep level of compassion, empathy, love, and non-judgmental understanding that blows my mind at times. Nothing really shocks me anymore.
No matter how hopeless or scary your situation is, rest assured that there is some good news here, some really good news. Freedom from addiction is possible. Millions of people have experienced it.
So can you.
Even though addiction seems to be all around you, so is recovery. You just need a guide, a new paradigm, and some new tools. This book is intended to encourage you to take an honest look at what role alcohol plays in your life? What does alcohol do for you?
Ever wonder how or why you ended up where you are? I have. Are you living the life you imagined as a child? I wasn’t for a long time. Through the “oldness” of addiction and “newness” of recovery, life can throw some curveballs that may make sense days, months, or years down the road. Perseverance and belief are keys that can unlock the door to your successes or failures. Maybe fear of success is holding you back, or the fear of failure, or the fear of losing a loved one when confronted. If you are unsure of what that fear is, then enter this book with an open mind.
From the pits of addiction to the successes as an entrepreneur, Rob Lohman is a true Overcomer Story! Rob is the guy you want in your corner when you are stuck in a rut in life.
Rob Lohman is recognized as one of the top requested, in-demand LIVE & Virtual keynote speakers. He provides strategies for breaking free from addiction, overcoming life's challenges, and for living your best Christian life. Rob can speak for groups ranging from 10 – 10,000+ consisting of business groups, men's retreats, high schools, colleges & organizations.
Rob has been interviewed on hundreds of podcasts, panel discussions, virtual summits, and conference stages. He has notably been featured in Podcast Magazine, Addiction Recovery eBulletin, Authority Magazine, and Prison Fellowship’s Inside Journal. Rob helps thousands of individuals through sharing his testimony, Keynote Speaking, Professional Interventions & Coaching, and being the host of two global podcasts (Beyond the Bars Radio and Addiction, Freedom & Faith).
Join thousands of others who made the decision to explore their relationship with alcohol. Make the decision to better yourself by engaging in the purpose of this book: to have created an experience for you to think about what role alcohol plays in your life and to provide you with resources to help you make positive changes in your life…if you so choose to. Change is possible. It starts with YOU!
My hope is that you become more motivated and empowered to TAKE ACTION, MAKE CHANGES, and ACHIEVE MORE THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED POSSIBLE. You are worth it.
Learning a new skill is just the beginning. Without applying the skill in your life, then it just that….a skill. Now it is up to YOU to BE THAT CHANGE AGENT IN YOUR LIFE.
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Littleton, Colorado
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